According to many folklore legends, the big handbags all have room for appreciation. I wonder if women are looking for a suitable reason to buy expensive handbags for themselves or whether they are really on the "when" of luxury goods. In fact, not all big-name handbags have a space for appreciation. What big bag to buy is considered unbeaten and can be appreciated?
DiorLady Dior Crocodile Leather
In 2008 Lady Dior also produced custom handbags for crocodile leather. The waiting time was only 4 months and it was not exaggerated by Hermes. Selling classics, celebrities will purchase, and then top Diana and limited the name of the first, it is difficult to want to sell well. Price in 2008: 100,800 yuan.
Chanel2.55 package
Many brand-name handbags have already devalued their home doors. If you expect to buy luxury goods and buy stocks, then you have to choose the brand IconBag (limited edition), limited edition or customized models. It is better to wait for the list than the shopping street. Long style.
Chanel 2.55, named after the date of birth in February 1955, must undergo 180 baptisms to form. Even after 53 years, it is still Chanel's flagship product. Chanel 2.55 with a soft feel is like a lady, it is a magic weapon that can truly claim to be a woman with fashion. 2007 Price: 17600 yuan (black small leather), 2008 Price: 22400 yuan (black small leather).
FendiCroco crocodile skin section
IconBag refers to the time-honored classic style of the brand, which best represents the brand image. There are some small changes in the quarterly listings, or if you change fabrics or change colors, don't change what looks the same. You can see that it is an Icon Bag.
What bag is punctuated by the alligator's two-character limit, Fendi introduced limited-edition Croco handbags, made of top-grade crocodile, with ample room for appreciation.
FendiSpy package
Big-name handbags all have room for appreciation. I wonder if women are looking for a suitable reason to buy expensive handbags for themselves. Silvia Fendi designed Spy handbags in 2005. It is a collection of classics and trends. From the date of its birth, it has many celebrity fans. Afterwards, Fendi will launch Spy handbags of various materials and colors to meet the needs of consumers. need. Price in 2005: about 12,000 yuan; 2008 sales price: about 14,000 yuan.