The thought of the vivid color of the Ladurée macaroon crayons, Lhuillier's design tone is sweet and delicacy. She said after the show that "I decided to devote my themes to femininity." True, unlike the huge steel clusters that floated on the flyover last season, the background of this season turned into a colorful carved ceramic.
Lhuillier said that in this design, she found a feeling in the tailored sutures and on the side of the car. Tight cocktail knit dresses, all have a slightly Greek-inspired asymmetrical lead. As a candy-themed exhibition, there are naturally many sweet debuts: seersucker shapes, printed multi-layered light-plate dress gowns, and so on. Worthy of praise, Lhuillier did not make this all too fancy.
The designer also provided some designs beyond the free theme. Two girls' must-have black dresses, unpretentious slender gray chiffon skirts, and alternative outfits for the evening party—high-waisted black pants with bubble sleeves. Also concise is a streamlined semi-woven half-knit dress that resembles a loose-fitting chan-song-style robe with an asymmetrical flat ribbon. Corsets are also a major protagonist, paired with high-waist straight long skirts during the day and add a sense of structure to those flowing dresses at night.
This is the most typical Lhuillier style, confirming her status as an evening designer. What she gave us was not just a fancy trick for flyovers, but simple elegance.
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