This inconspicuous little stone has really aroused the curiosity of geologists. Its appearance looks like the original stone of red and emerald, but it shines brightly under the light. Later, I discovered that there are about 30,000 diamonds in this stone, one million times more than the usual stones. However, those broken diamonds are too small to be made into gems. In terms of the value of money, it can basically be said to be "not worth a word." But scientists have a strong interest in it.
The stone was unearthed at the Udachnaya diamond mine in Russia, which can excavate 10 million tons of ore per day. In these ores, there are about a ton of diamonds of 1 to 6 carats that can be made into gems. Diamonds are not so rare, just because the industry's careful manipulation of prices makes you feel precious and rare. Mining operations have become accustomed to identifying which gemstones are likely to be preserved, and this unusual stone was discovered while washing and washing the ore.
Scientists can already make diamonds in the lab, but the exact process of forming natural diamonds on the earth's crust remains a mystery. The trick we know so far is how they are ultimately deposited and where they can be found. Volcanic activity and strong pressure caused the mantle to split and raise it closer to the surface. During this process, most of the soft rock will peel off, leaving only crystal deposits. However, this stone from the Yodaknaia diamond mine may have survived the stripping.
Understanding how this stone containing broken diamonds is deposited helps to understand more about the formation and composition of diamonds in the mantle. Scientists in the industrial X-ray scan of the rock found that the diamond inside is only 1 mm in size and the shape is octahedron (like two small pyramids together). The reason why it is red and green is because there are garnet, olivine and pyroxene. In addition, after analysis of the data from X-rays, the diamonds in this stone are newer than the other components (olivine, garnet, etc.).
Studies of this stone have shown that diamonds are formed from the oceanic crust of the peridotite and the continental crust. The more detailed formation process requires more stone to be determined, and the researchers of the research will continue to look for more such "unworthy" ore. The miners want rough diamonds without other precious stones.
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