In the jade knowledge, the jade with the floating flowers we are familiar with is the blue flower emerald. But there is actually a kind of jade with floating flowers and the blue flower emerald is very similar, but the color is green and floating jade. The jade industry calls this kind of jade as a floating green jade.
The floating green flower jade also has glass kinds of green flowers and jade, ice type green flowers and jade and green flowers and jade. The best of the green flowers and jade is the emerald green, also known as emperor green. The green floating flower jade that is offset by the emperor's green color belongs to the floating green jade. If the color of the green flower jade is blue, it belongs to the floating blue flower jade. If the color of the floating green jade is evenly distributed and the color is distributed throughout the jade, such jade is called green emerald. Some floating green jade flowers are ribbon-shaped and arranged in one direction. Some people call it gold silk jade.
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