Dark green with what color good-looking winter clothing color

From clothing to choose from color, is now the way people like to choose, but in accordance with the color selection may be a problem, choose their own color will be with many Pianmen color will not choose, leading to your wardrobe Are a color, a little bright spot, then Xiaobian tell you how to match the color of the door.


Yi color women dark green vest collocation, long section woolen vest style with a purple eggplant sweater, these two colors are not very bright? Purple This sweater is a long skirt version, a very long Oh, the same length as the vest, slightly exposed point color is very nice, green women with dark green vest dress, so wardrobe more two colors.

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Blue jacket with blue, blue color this color in the winter should be very eye-catching color, more than black brisk, and no red so loudly, in a medium color, so with a relatively good ride, Yi color women's blue jacket Take a white shirt + black vest skirt, classic and very attractive Oh.

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