The difference between tanzanite and topaz

Tanzanite and topaz are gems that are very similar in appearance but have very different values. If they are not distinguished, they may cause economic losses to laymen. So today, China Jewelry Merchants Network Xiaobian will introduce you to these two. The difference between the two, I hope to benefit everyone, no longer stupid can not tell the tanzanite and topaz.





1, color

The color of tanzanite is mainly blue, deep purple, reddish brown, and some tanzanite will turn into indigo after heat treatment; the color of topaz is best in red and Sydney, followed by brown and blue. . The yellow topaz is very close to the yellow crystal, the price is not high, and the value of the colorless topaz is the lowest.

2, chromaticity

Tanzanite has a strong pleochroism. The pleochroism of green tanzanite is blue, greenish yellow and purple; the pleochroism of yellow-green tanzanite is dark blue, yellow-green and purple; the polychromaticity of brown tanzanite is green , purple and light blue. The pleochroism of topaz is judged by body color.

3. Gloss and transparency

Most of the tanzanites have a glassy luster, and the range of transparency is from flawless to visible; topaz is also glassy, ​​but most topazes are opaque due to the high content of impurities, so the darker and more transparent the topaz The higher the stone value.

4, birefringence

The birefringence of tanzanite is: 0.008-0.013; the topography of the topaz is 0.008-0.010.

5. Origin

Tanzanite is mainly produced in Tanzania, Greenland, Austria, Switzerland, etc.; and topaz is mostly distributed in Brazil, Sri Lanka, the United States, Myanmar, Ural Mountains, Australia, China and other regions.


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