This should be a colorful season in early summer. The bow hair accessory is exactly the most awesome hairstyle decoration to meet the summer, since the tender season has come, we quickly get these bow hair accessories into the bag.
It has become increasingly popular in the wrist watch industry to use unusual OEM ODM Watch Dial materials. Gemstone Watch Dial have been very popular over the years, and well-known brands such as wrists have been customizing watch dials with some very exotic materials.Brass watch dial will appear on all kinds of gems: such as colorful lapis lazuli dial, green malachite dial, vintage natural tiger eye dial and rare opak mosaic watch dial,blue goldsand watch dial and so on.Machining and installing exotic gemstones can be challenging, most gemstones are very brittle and cutting holes is difficult, which is what makes gemstone dials so precious. If you want a watch dial custom, check out our watch dials.
Lapis Lazuli Dial,Blue Goldsand Watch Dial,Natural Tiger Eye Dial,Malachite Dial,Opal Mosaic Watch Dial