"Silk Ling" to promote fashion and natural elements of life

"Ling Ling" brand was born in Guangzhou in 2007 brilliant summer, as a new brand of home apparel in Guangzhou, with intellectual and stylish image appears in the eyes of modern women.
It is composed of a group of young team full of passion and fantasy, keen creativity and sense of social responsibility, who are dedicated to caring for people's emotions and caring for the spiritual world and advocating the original design concept to portray women They are convinced that clothing as a unique creative language, with the concept of communication, the infinite possibilities of spiritual communication, and even can lead to ponder over and then change people's behavior.
"Ling silk" attaches great importance to the fabric soft, comfortable, breathable, flat and warm color, elegant and full of fashion, pink, white, as the base color, fashion, leisure and natural products, creating a safe and comfortable Self-lifestyle, from color, texture, style and smooth cutting, can experience the European elegant and comfortable fashion and pop culture "Silk Ling" to promote fashion and natural life elements, every detail, every partial Show the origin of the United States. "Ling Ling" consumption age between 25 years old and 45 years old, they have a full and free spiritual life; not clinging to all the worldly desires. The pursuit of a rich spiritual world is not content with the general appearance of the world. For clothing not only for the visual enjoyment, but also for the ordinary person for the purchase of practical functions, it is based on the search for a higher level of spiritual life. Intention to understand the true meaning of life.

Company Name: KING Deli Fashion Co., Ltd. Tel:
Website: http://

Aluminum Zipper

RR Zipper , https://www.brrzipper.com

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