Evaluation of antibacterial effect of antibacterial products
Evaluation of antibacterial effect of antibacterial products
Antibacterial effects are generally classified according to antimicrobial efficacy, durability and safety.
1. Test and evaluation method of antibacterial efficacy: There are many methods for measuring antibacterial efficacy, and many methods have appeared since the beginning of research and development. These methods are broadly divided into two categories: antibacterial assays and antifungal assays. The antibacterial test method can be further divided into a method for reducing the number of viable bacteria in the range in which the inoculant is prevented, and the method for reducing the number of colonies is notched or oscillated. The experimental method is specifically: improved AATCC experimental method 100, improved flask shaking method, and white fungus growth and reproduction blocking efficacy test method.

2. Durability test method for sterilization and deodorization: Textiles for different purposes have different durability requirements for antibacterial and deodorizing effects.
3. Safety standards: In order to objectively and comprehensively evaluate the safety of antibacterial and deodorant processing, it is necessary to carry out oral acute toxicity test, mutagenicity test, skin irritation test, skin allergy test and cytotoxicity test for processing agents. .
[China Antibacterial Fabric Network ]
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