Today, Xiaobian introduces some friends who love to play antiques to introduce some ways to maintain antiques. I hope friends like it!
one. When playing antiques, keep your hands clean and dry, and remove hard objects such as rings and watches to avoid scratching the surface of the utensils.
two. Appreciate and play with ancient calligraphy, silk and bronze to wear gloves to prevent the sweat on your hands from damaging the objects. Do not wear gloves when holding porcelain, because porcelain can easily fall off your hands.
three. When holding a large object, such as a large porcelain bottle, you cannot use the upper neck of a handpiece. We should hold the bottom with one hand and hold the neck with one hand; some porcelain and bronze pedestals are decorated with ears or wooden girders. We can not only mention the ears and girders when picking and dropping, so as not to break and damage.
four. When picking up a seated, covered object, the seat, the cover and the main body should be taken separately, and the cover should not be connected with the seat. The separated parts should be removed first to prevent the breakage from breaking when moving. .
Fives. When holding copper mirrors, bronze swords, porcelain plates, and porcelain bowls, be sure to hold them with both hands. Avoid using one side of the utensils to prevent breakage.
six. When encountering multiple people to identify and appreciate, one by one, when one person appreciates it, put the utensils on the table, and the next person will appreciate it again. Don't let the two hand hand the porcelain hand, just in case it is lost.
From the point of view of the easy to damage of antiques, it is mainly affected by temperature, humidity, harmful gases, ultraviolet rays, mold, pests and the like. Therefore, by controlling the environment and taking different protection measures for antiques of various textures, the life of antiques can be extended.
Temperature is also a major factor affecting the preservation of antiques. When the room temperature exceeds 30 °C, the temperature is high. At this time, the speed of growth of molds and insects is accelerated, which accelerates the erosion of antiques. The chemical reaction rate is also accelerated by the high temperature environment, which accelerates various corrosion processes. In particular, organic textures such as paper, enamel, and ink are easily dehydrated, shrunk, and deformed due to high temperatures. Low temperature generally inhibits mold growth, but if it is below zero, it will also be detrimental to some antiques.
When the humidity is higher than 60-70, it is easy to breed mold fungus, and the metal is prone to rust, causing permanent damage. Excessive humidity will accelerate the hydrolysis of the paintings and textiles, causing adhesions, which can change the color of many antique surfaces. Humidity below 45 can inhibit the growth of mold pests, but can cause cracks and deformation of wood antiques, causing lacquer ware and oil paint to peel. Harmful gases and dust are also a serious hazard to antiques. A preferred method is to seal the storage by means of a multi-layer seal.
Calligraphy and painting: It is best to hang the collected paintings on the wall and change them once a month. The most precious paintings are hanging in the fall, and all the calligraphy and paintings are best dried once a year. Frames should be careful to use natural materials that do not have organic ingredients.
Wood: Hardwood furniture should not be scrubbed with a damp cloth. It can be wiped with a dry rag with wax; wood is afraid of hot, hot water cups will cause damage to its surface; wood is afraid of dryness and is not afraid of moisture, avoid too close to heating in winter.
Bronze: Moisture and chemical composition in the air can cause damage to it. Precious bronzes are best stored in sealed or vacuum glass cabinets.
Porcelain: The ideal storage method is to place the porcelain in a custom-made box with a sponge or foam pad. Do not put two pieces of porcelain together. If they have to be placed together, they must be separated by foam.
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